Consultant Counselling Psychologist
Child, Adolescent & Family
Psychology Practice
Curriculum Vitae
Name:Phillipa A. Williams
Consulting Address: The Dairy, Tithe Farm, Moulton Road, Holcot, Northamptonshire, NN6 9SH
Telephone: 01604 881779 (w)
1983 – 1985 Bachelor of Arts (University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg (UNP), South Africa)
1986 Bachelor of Arts Honours (Psychology) (UNP)
1987 – 1988 Master of Arts: (Counselling Psychology) (UNP)
1989 – 1999 South African Medical and Dental Council – Counselling Psychologist
January 1999 British Psychological Society Statement of Equivalence and Chartered Status granted as Chartered Counselling Psychologist
1999 – Present British Psychological Society- Chartered Psychologist & Accredited Supervisor
2009 – Present Health and Care Professions Council-Practitioner Psychologist
2014 – Present Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society
Current Enhanced Certificate with the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS)
Current Registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for GDP
1. January 2012- present: Independent Consultant Psychologist
1.1 I currently work independently with children, adolescents and families, based in Northamptonshire, providing:
* assessment and intervention for a wide range of emotional and behavioural difficulties, including:
- Anxiety, fears, phobias, and stress
- Attachment difficulties
- Depression/low mood
- Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Neuro-developmental Disorders ((eg Tourette’s, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD))
- School related/learning difficulties
- Bereavement
- Parental separation/divorce
- Behaviour difficulties
* a range of psychological therapies, including:
- Psycho-dynamic psychotherapy
- Play therapy
- Behavioural and Cognitive-Behavioural therapies
- Somatic Trauma therapy
- Parent Counselling
- Parent Child Interaction Therapy
*as an Accredited Supervisor with the British Psychological Society (BPS), I also provide:
* Individual and group supervision to therapists, and trainee Counselling Psychologists
* Consultation within organisations
* medico-legal reports as an expert witness. The focus of this work has been with minors who are asylum seekers. I have prepared reports to be used by the Home Office, as well as for cases to be heard in the European Court of Human Rights.
- In addition to clinical practice, during this time period I have also worked as follows:
- Fixed Term contract January 2013-December 2013: Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST) Supervisor in Northampton, and briefly at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Trust MST Team. This role included providing supervision or back-up supervision to the local MST teams.
- Part- time contract September 2013-July 2014: In-house Counsellor at Northampton High School for Girls. This role included providing a weekly confidential drop-in counseling service to the pupils at school.
- Part-time contract September 2015-July 2016: In-house Psychologist at Oundle School. This role involved providing psychological assessments, and advice regarding pupils requested by the school doctors, as well as weekly psychological therapy to pupils as part of the school’s Counselling Service.
- Fixed term part-time contracts January 2013-July 2015: Senior Lecturer at the University of Northampton. This role involved teaching on the MSc Counselling Children and Young People, and MSc Child and Adolescent Mental Health courses; in addition, I provided group supervision for the students on clinical placements.
- 2014-2015: Family Therapy. This role involved providing Family Therapy, co-working with a Clinical Psychologist colleague also fully trained in Milan Family Therapy.
2. March 1999 –December 2012: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, NHS, Northamptonshire
Positions held:
March 1999 – July 2003: Clinical Psychologist
Aug 2003 – Nov 2011 Consultant Clinical Psychologist (Band 8C, AFC)
Dec 2011- Dec 2012: Consultant Psychologist/Clinical Lead for Psychology & Allied Professions in CAMHS
For the provision of clinical psychology services within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, including:
- Psychological assessment and intervention with children and adolescents and their families with a wide range of emotional and behavioural difficulties, based on the application of psychological knowledge and principles;
- Development, delivery and management of highly specialist interventions for service users
- Provision of professional and clinical supervision for less experienced clinical psychologists and trainee clinical psychologists from Oxford University and Leicester University.
- Provision of specialist consultation, advice, training and supervision to other professionals, both within CAMHS and external agencies, such as Community Paediatrics, Education, Social Care and Health.
- Research/audit and development activities.
- Lecturing/ teaching, including at the University of Northampton;
- Board of Examiners for Oxford University Doctoral Course in Clinical Psychology.
- Participation in the management and service development of psychological services to children and young people, with particular responsibility for User Participation, Outcome Measures, Clinical Governance, Major Incident, and Cultural Competency.
- Service development in specific clinical areas, including Early Intervention service for children aged Under Eight, developing services for Refugees and Asylum Seekers, developing a Multi-agency Care Pathway for young people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, developing a policy, protocol and team for the management of the Service’s response to Major Incidents. Establishment and coordination of Trauma Interest Group within the Service.
- Professional Lead for Psychologists and Allied Professionals (Art Therapist, Drama Therapist, Psychotherapist, Counsellor) in county-wide CAMHS; this involved attendance at CAMHS Clinical Executive meetings, service development activities, appraisal of staff, and generally providing clinical leadership to the team of 13 psychologists and other professionals.
3. Mar 1994 – Dec 1998: Counselling Psychologist: Private Practice, Durban, South Africa
Provision of Child Psychology Services including:
- Psychotherapy and play therapy with children (age 2 – 12 years), and individual psychotherapy with adults and adolescents
- Group therapy for children (divorce & bereavement support groups)
- Assessment of children and adolescents with psychological, behavioural and developmental disorders, and educational/learning difficulties, in consultation with professionals in other fields (psychiatry, Paediatrics, remedial education, speech therapy, and occupational therapy)
- Parent Counselling and Family Therapy
- Consultation to Schools (primary and high schools) in government and private sectors, and to Welfare Children’s Homes
- Supervision of intern (trainee) psychologist on placement in the practice
- Supervision of other qualified psychologists
- Lectures to Masters Psychology students at University of Natal, Durban and the University of Durban-Westville on the assessment of children and play therapy
- Initiating and coordinating professional development programme for psychologists within the Durban central area
- Public addresses
- Management of the practice and maintenance of premises, employment of secretarial and domestic staff, general financial management of the business, managing appointments and clients, and caseload.
4. Aug 1992 – Feb 1995: Children’s Assessment and Therapy Centre, Durban, South Africa
Position Held: Counselling Psychologist
- Assessment of children and adolescents with psychological, behavioural and developmental disorders, and educational/ learning difficulties, as part of a multi-disciplinary team
- Coordinator of multi-disciplinary (teachers, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists) treatment of developmentally delayed children in the Developmental Unit at the Centre
- Individual play therapy and psychotherapy with children and adolescents
- Family Therapy, Parent Counselling, and Parent Training Groups
- Public addresses
5. Feb 1992 – July 1992: Travelled abroad
6. Apr 1989- Jan 1992: Student Counselling Centre, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa
Position Held: Counselling Psychologist/ Student Counsellor
- Individual psychotherapy and counselling with staff and students
- Career assessment and counselling (group & individual)
- Workshops on campus (eg sexual harassment, study skills)
- Curriculum planning counselling
- Researcher and Secretary on University AIDS Committee
- Attendance at University Board Meetings
My past-times include socialising with friends, hill walking, nature conservation, playing the clarinet in a wind orchestra and quartet, reading and mindfulness meditation. I am also an enthusiastic dog owner.